It’s HERE! #seniorschangethescript

Our Thankfulness Challenge, #seniorschangethescript has kicked off! Watch this!
Our residents will be making videos of the POSITIVE things they see and will be challenging others to follow suit. Watch for your challenge and PARTICIPATE! Mr. Wayne already challenged me, and I’ve made my video and issued a challenge to several others. You can see it here. I hope they make videos and challenge THEIR friends and colleagues so that this message of positivity and hope goes just as far and wide as all the negative and frustrating messages of 2020. We know our residents CAN and WILL change the script!
Good news, our phones and internet are working again, along with the cable tv. So, Zeta, yet another challenge 2020 brought our way, is behind us. I want to say THANK YOU to our staff. Only ONE care staff person called in, and that was due to a fallen tree that blocked her way to work. Everyone else showed up for their shifts, stayed late, worked in the dark, cooked by flashlight, carried food up the stairs, and in general made an excellent effort to be sure our residents had all they needed. This has been the BEST disaster response by staff that I’ve seen, and it happened in a year like 2020 when everyone is already on overload. I don’t even know how to thank these amazing people, but I wanted to share with you all how proud I am of our staff.
Please share our #seniorschangethescript challenge with your family and friends and watch for your loved one’s video!
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